The importance of vision

The importance of vision

How you see others and how others see you is important to driving

Safety starts with drivers being able to see others and others being able to see the driver.  90% of your decision about what to do depends on a clear vision of the road and reliable communications between drivers.

Keeping your windshield clean

A clean windshield is very important for driving. Even a small crack or having an insect on your windshield can block your driving vision. We advise you to keep your windshield clean and fix it immediately if it cracks.

How to take care of your windshield wiper

A damaged windshield wiper can cause scratches on your windshield, which will decrease your ability to see the road. Airborne contaminants, oil, sun and dust can cause your wipers to become hard and brittle. Windshield wipers can last for approximately 6 months. The next time you replace them make sure you use wipers with silicone blades since they are more tolerant of heat and cold. 

Applying Hydrophobic Chemicals on your windshield 

Applying hydrophobic chemicals to your windshield and windows will prevent water and insects sticking, which will make it easy for you to clean. According to a study windows with hydrophobic chemicals can increase your vision by 34%.


Dirty headlights decrease your ability to see especially in poor weather. 

Headlight Saver, a new technology, is made with special type of plastic. The risk of having an accident rises 300% at dusk. Make sure you check your headlights often and keep them clean. 

Blocking the rear window

Avoid putting anything in the rear window area to prevent accidents due to impaired vision.

Having your eyes checked frequently

Having good vision is important for driving and safety. You should have your eyes checked frequently.

Lights and giving signals

You should use your headlights during the day time and use turn signal lights to communicate with other vehicles to avoid a misunderstandings.  

Tips on clear vision

Remember to:

  • keep your windshield clean
  • use your windshield wipers when necessary 
  • keep a safe distance from the vehicles in front 
  • check the weather before leaving 


Safe Driver Education Company Limited

220/7-8 Superior Building Bond Street Road Muang Thong Thanee Bangpud, Pakkret, Nonthaburi, Thailand 11120